
Intersectionality & Diversity Program

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Intersectionality and diversity Program

Our Intersectionality and Diversity Program

Our Intersectionality and Diversity program presents students with the opportunity to explore the complexities of identities and how they intersect. Adopting an intersectional perspective on oppression and privilege fosters discussions on social movements and activism, promoting respect for differences, and a deeper understanding of identity. To date, the program has organized workshops and activities for over 2,000 youth participants throughout Canada, involving them in interactive exercises that encourage them to delve into their understanding of identities. The program has allowed students to engage with facilitators on a more personal level, and they have expressed that it has provided them with meaningful stories to take away.

We offer a roster of workshops on identity and its intersections for youth in grades 6 to 12 that focus on teaching students how to peel back the layers of what makes us who we are.

Intersectionality and Diversity Projects at a Glance

Each of the Intersectionality and Diversity Program’s projects strives to empower QTBIPOC youth to feel resilient and confident while embracing who they truly are. Through workshops, panels, and youth summits that centre the lives and experiences of QTBIPOC youth, it teaches that there is more to us than meets the eye and to think more deeply about how our identities affect our lives.

Intersectional faith-based youth programming

Challenging Conversion Practices Project

The Challenging Conversion Practices Project is a vital initiative that aims to empower marginalized youth with the knowledge and tools they need to understand and resist harmful conversion practices.

This program is designed to support and educate 2SLGBTQIA+ youth who may be particularly vulnerable to these practices, but it is also important for all youth to learn about the issue and how they can support their peers.

By using an intersectional approach and providing interactive workshops and educational resources, this program aims to give students the confidence they need to recognize and stand up against conversion practices in any form.

Together, as educators and allies, we can create a safe, inclusive, and empowering learning environment for all students.

Pride in Faith & Spirituality Project

Our Pride in Faith and Spirituality Project creates spaces and educational resources that centre the intersections of race, queerness, and religion.

Focused on dispelling stereotypes and fostering understanding within Islamic, Christian and Jewish beliefs, we aim to raise awareness about the resilience of spiritual QTBIPOC individuals and emphasize that different aspects of one’s identity can coexist harmoniously. 

With this project, we support QTBIPOC youth in exploring their spiritual journey and encourage allyship through educational resources and programs targeted toward educators, families and the broader community.

Youth Network Project

Picture of 4 queer and trans youth of color smiling at the camera. This is a decorative image.

Our Youth Network Project is an Ontario-based project for QTBIPOC students. As part of our Intersectionality and Diversity Program, the Youth Network Project focuses on supporting queer and trans students through activities such as outreach to and networking with gay-straight alliances (GSAs), educational workshops and queer and trans Black, Indigenous, People of Colour (QTBIPOC) specific resourcing.



This year, the Centre is looking for remote volunteers to help with outreach and promotion of our online programming.  If you are interested in volunteering, gaining valuable and marketable skills in such areas as event coordination, fundraising, public speaking, database management, networking, and social media.

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