National Philanthropy Day and #GivingTuesday

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National Philanthropy Day and #GivingTuesday

By: Sriyanchita Srinivasan (Chi)


Today, the 15th of November is National Philanthropy day, and with #GivingTuesday around the corner on Nov 29th, we would like to highlight CCGSD’s fundraising principles and values so you can plan your perfect gift! 

At CCGSD, fundraising for us is grounded in race, equity, and social justice following the principles of Feminist Fundraising and the Community Centric Fundraising movement. We want to tell you stories of joy, transformation, and infinite potential of 2LSBTQ+ youth and invite our community (donors, staff, funders, board members, and volunteers) to be an active part of our mission to create safe and affirming spaces for 2SLGBTQ+ youth leaders of tomorrow. 

Here are some of the things we stand for: 

Our community is our partner! 

We treat our donors/community as our partners, and sometimes that means we might have to have tough transparent conversations. We will always make space for our partners to listen and hold ourselves accountable. However, the same accountability goes for our community, we will not stand for any form of violence directed towards the 2LSLGBTQ+ community and will always prioritize the safety of our staff and the youth we serve. 

We believe that Non-Profits, Civil Society, and other organizations need to work together and support each other! 

We envision a future where our fundraising principles amplify the powerful voices of Queer and Trans Communities of Colour. We can only achieve this future if we are mutually supportive of each other, so reach out to us to discuss possible partnerships/collaborations! 

Your time is just as valuable as money 

Have you considered volunteering at CCGSD? Everyone engaged in strengthening our community is equally valued. We all benefit from engaging in social justice as we all continue to learn and (un) learn – join us! 

You can also share our content on social media or check out resources and share within your community. 

These are our values, we passionately believe that social justice needs to be holistic and transformative – not transactional. We want to foster a sense of belonging, and if our values align with yours, please consider supporting our work. Here are some things you can do: 

You can also email our Development and Partnership Coordinator, Chi at and we can collectively dream about all the ways we can create a world without discrimination!

*Please go to Community Centric Fundraising’s website to read about how to build sustainable social justice movements. 

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