Funding Announcement: Ottawa Community Foundation Community Grant to the CCGSD

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CCGSD Recipient of ottawa community foundation ‘community grant’ to support ottawa gsa groups

November 1, 2021 – (Ottawa, Ontario) – We’re excited to announce that the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity has received a $10,000 Community Grant from the Ottawa Community Foundation!

Thanks to their financial support, we’re able to launch our new “Support Ottawa GSA Groups” initiative that focuses on the support and outreach to 2Spirit, queer, and transgender students who are involved with 2SLGBTQ-focused groups such as Queer-Straight Alliances (QSAs) and Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs).

This support initiative, housed within our Intersectionality and Diversity program, will further the collection of data on student needs for us to develop effective educational programming and services.


CCGSD’s mission is to empower gender and sexually diverse communities through education, research, and advocacy. The organization envisions a world in which people can shape the decisions that impact their lives, enjoy freedoms, and navigate an equal world free of violence. 


The Ottawa Community Foundation (OCF) is one of Ottawa’s most highly regarded philanthropic organizations, working with donors and the community at large to bring about positive, systemic and sustainable change in our city and beyond. The Foundation has built an enviable reputation for astute financial management, high quality donor services, strategic grant making and innovative partnerships across the city.


Debbie Owusu-Akyeeah, Executive Director | 613-400-1875

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