“There’s no Gender equality without trans women”: National coalition of community organizations
March 8 2023
Lisez cette déclaration en français
OTTAWA – On International Women’s Day 2023, hundreds of community organizations from across Canada have signed a statement declaring that gender equality cannot be achieved without supporting, celebrating, and uplifting trans women. Canada has seen rising hate against trans communities, and particularly against trans women, but trans women deserve our respect and care – in addition to concrete government action to address anti-trans hate.
Today, hundreds of organizations – both individual organizations and major national networks – have joined together to declare that ‘there’s no gender equality without trans women’. On International Women’s Day, advocates across the country have joined together to celebrate women in all their diversity.
While far right and hate-based movements have surged, trans communities have been under attack. But today, and every day, we must stand together to protect the wellbeing of trans folks, and particularly trans women – especially trans women of colour.
Concrete action is needed, now more than ever, to keep trans communities safe and protected. The national coalition has endorsed the following calls to action to address anti-trans hate:
- We call upon the Government of Canada to ensure that trans communities are included in the forthcoming National Action Plan to Combat Hate, and supported with dedicated resources allocated to fighting anti-trans hate
- We call upon civil society organizations across Canada to accelerate efforts to affirm, engage, employ, and uplift trans and gender diverse people
- We call upon all feminists to proclaim that feminism must be trans-inclusive, and that there’s no gender equality without trans women
This latest campaign comes as a follow up to the Trans-Inclusive Feminism Campaign launched by the CCGSD, Wisdom2Action, and Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights in 2021.
National organisations are listed in bold.
2QT Pride at Nipissing University
Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada
ActingOut WR
Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights
Aide aux Trans du Québec (ATQ)
AIDS Coalition of Nova Scotia
Amnesty International Canada (English Speaking)
APTS Quebec
ARC Foundation
Association Étudiante de l’Université de Saint-Boniface
Atira Women’s Resource Society
Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic
BC Federation of Labour
BC Health Coalition
Black Women In Motion
British Columbia General Employees Union
Broadbent Institute
Battered Women’s Support Services (BWSS)
Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness
Canadian Anti-Hate Network
Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity
Canadian Drug Policy Coalition
Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions
Canadian Federation of Students
Canadian Labour Congress
Canadian Lived Experience Leadership Network
Canadian Union of Public Employees
Canadian Union of Public Employees (Nova Scotia Division)
Canadian Women’s Foundation
Cape Breton University Students’ Union Pride and Ally Centre
Capital Pride / Fierté dans la Capitale
CATIE, Canada’s source for HIV and hepatitis C information
Centrale des syndicats du Québec
Centre for Gender & Sexual Health Equity
Centre for Gender Advocacy
Chroma NB
City for All Women Initiative (CAWI) / Initiative: Une Ville pour Toutes les Femmes (IVTF)
Coalition des familles LGBT+
Comité FrancoQueer de lOuest
Common Weal Community Arts
Community-Based Research Centre
DAWN Canada
Disability Justice Network of Ontario
Egale Canada
Elementary Teachers’s Federation of Ontario
Ending Violence Association of Canada
Equitas – International Centre for Human Rights Education
Faculty of Education, University of Regina
Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec-FIQ
Flamingo Rampant
Fora: Network for Change
fYrefly Institute
Gay and Grey Montréal
Globe Theatre
Halifax Sexual Health Centre
Hamilton Trans Health Coalition
Health Sciences Association of Alberta
HIV Legal Network
Horizon Ottawa
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE)
IBEW 353
Imagine Canada
It Gets Better Canada
Kind Space
La Débrouille
LGBT YouthLine
Luke’s Place Support and Resource Centre
Manitoba Federation of Labour
MSVUSU Pride Centre
National Association of Women and the Law | Association nationale Femmes et Droit
New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity / Coalition pour l’équité salariale du Nouveau-Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour
North Shore Women’s Centre
Northern Mosaic Network
Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants – OCASI
Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association
Ontario Federation of Labour
Ontario Nonprofit Network (ONN)
Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women (OCTEVAW)
Outloud St. Albert
Oxfam Canada
PACE Society
Parkdale Food Centre
Peel Alliance to End Homelessness
PEERS Alliance
PEI Transgender Network Ltd
People for Reproductive Freedom and Choice
Pivot Legal Society
Planned Parenthood Ottawa
Planned Parenthood Regina
Planned Parenthood Toronto – PPT
Pride at Work Canada
Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada
Public Service Alliance of Canada
QMUNITY, BC’s Queer, Trans, and Two-Spirit Resource Centre
Qu’ART – Ottawa Queer Arts Collective
Queer & Trans Health Collective
Rainbow Collective of Thunder Bay
Rainbow Pride Centre
Rainbow Railroad
Rainbow Refugee Society
Rainbow Resource Centre
RDP PRIDE on Campus
Regina Pride Inc. (Queen City Pride Festival)
Regina Public Interest Research Group (RPIRG)
Regroupement féministe du Nouveau-Brunswick
Rise Women’s Legal Centre
Saige Community Food Bank
Saskatchewan Federation of Labour
Saskatchewan Government and General Employees Union
SEIU Healthcare
Sexuality Education Resource Centre of Manitoba
SHORE Centre
South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario
Spectrum (Waterloo Region’s Rainbow Community Space)
Stratford-Perth Pride
Syndicat de professionnelles et professionnels du gouvernement du Québec
Ten Oaks Project
The 519
The AIDS Committee of Durham Region
The Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies
The Elizabeth Fry Society of Peterborough
The Enchanté Network
The Glow Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity
The Landing
Toronto Neighbourhood Centres
Trans Sask
Trans Support NL
Trans Wellness Initiative
Trans Wellness Ontario
TRAPs Quebec
Trent Queer Collective
UFCW Canada
University of Lethbridge Q-Space
UR Pride Centre for Sexuality and Gender Diversity Inc
USSU Pride Centre
UVic Pride Collective
WAVAW Rape Crisis Center
West Coast LEAF
Women Transforming Cities
Women’s Legal Education & Action Fund (LEAF)
Women’s National Housing & Homelessness Network
Women’s Shelters Canada
Women’s Network PEI
YWCA Banff
YWCA Cambridge
YWCA Edmonton
YWCA Halifax
YWCA Hamilton
YWCA Regina Inc
YWCA Saskatoon
YWCA St. John’s
YWCA St. Thomas Elgin
YWCA Toronto