Workshops Given This Year


Students Reached in 2022


School Board Partners


“A world in which people can shape the decisions that impact their lives, enjoy freedoms, and navigate an equal world free of violence.”

Leaders in anti-discrimination work

The Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity (CCGSD) intersectionally promotes diversity in gender identity, gender expression, and romantic and/or sexual orientation in all its forms on a national level through services in the areas of education, health, and advocacy. Our resources and programming can be used to uplift gender and sexual minorities, as well as give them tools to wider populations in building allyship.

We are excited to take the next steps in the coming months with the release of our strategic plan. 

Book a Workshop

The CCGSD is committed to building a world without discrimination, built on three pillars: education, research, and advocacy. We know that education has many benefits to the people who access it: education has been shown to reduce child mortality and increase civic engagement. Crucially, education helps develop individual resiliency as well as social cohesion.

Join our Mailing List

Want to stay up to date on what is going on at CCGSD? Join our newsletter so that you’ll never miss the latest news. Or you can visit the website’s news and updates section to see what we have been up to.

Visit our event page to see upcoming events near you so you can join us in celebrating diversity.

Meet Our New Executive Director

Debbie is a passionate Black feminist; an anti-racist and social justice advocate who has participated in and led community organizing through Ottawa Dyke March and Harmony House Women’s Shelter. 

Check out her new Executive Directors Blog



This year, the Centre is looking for remote volunteers to help with outreach and promotion of our online programming.  If you are interested in volunteering, gaining valuable and marketable skills in such areas as event coordination, fundraising, public speaking, database management, networking, and social media.

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